MOON SERIES chào mặt trăng (BAI 7, VST_01_0)
inhale deep....
exhale….inhale….exhale…inhale….exhale…let the breath be normal…focus your mind
on the breath… **************voice broken here please
check and add*****************************down …join your feet…catch
your toes… open your shoulders…and spine…move your knees up and down… butterfly
pose… move faster… make sound…stop…open shoulders… exhale slowly bend
forward…drop l-bows on your thighs.. press your knees down..go down as much as
youcan…inhale u
p….exhale down…, inhale up….exhale down…, inhale up….exhale
down…, inhale up….exhale down…, inhale up….exhale down…, come on last inhale
up….exhale …go down as much you can… drop your forehead on the
floor….hold…6….5…..4….3…..2…..1…inhale slowly up…exhale hug your knees… catch
your opposite elbows…tighten your knees and drop your forehead on the
knees…relax your hips…inhale chin up…exhale stretch your legs forward…shake
your legs…feet apart about 2 feet…inhale stretch your arms forward…shoulder
level..palms facing forward…exhale…turn left…drop your hands back..drop your forehead
on the floor…inhale center…exhale right…inhale center…exhale left…, inhale
center…exhale right…inhale center…exhale left…, inhale center…exhale
right…inhale center…exhale left…, inhale center…exhale right…inhale
center…last…exhale left…Lbows up..try to drop your forehead on the
floor…hold…5….4….3…..2….1…inhale center…exhale right…5….4….3…..2….1…inhale
center…exhale bring your arms down…fold your knees up… slowly come to standing
posture…shake legs…feet a bit closer shoulder level…inhale bring your arms
up…interlock your fingers…open your palms up…stretch your whole body and turn
left…exhale down…heels down…hands down… inhale stretch your body and turn
right…exhale down…inhale stretch and turn left…exhale down..inhale stretch and
turn right…exhale down..inhale…exhale…balance…
inhale…focus…exhale…inhale…exhale.., inhale…exhale.., one more… inhale…exhale..
hands down… inhale…exhale..come on last… inhale…stretch your whole body…and
turn left…balance on your toes…both heels at same height…look at the corner of
the room…be comfortable…5….4….3…..2…..1…exhale do
bring your arms down…shake your
legs…relax your calf…feet apart about 2 feet…inhale now slowly bring your arms
up from side…open shoulders palms facing up…exhale now slowly bend forward…lose
your spine and shoulders…swing your spine 2 times…1….2…inhale up…open
shoulders…chin up…exhale 1…2…inhale up…exhale 1…2…, inhale up…exhale 1…2…,
inhale up…exhale 1…2…, inhale up…exhale 1…2… inhale up…exhale 1…2… inhale
up…exhale 1…2… inhale up…exhale 1…2…two more… inhale up…exhale 1…2… inhale
up…exhale 1…2…last… inhale up…exhale 1…2…lose your spine and shoulders…. Swing
your spine up and down…hold……6….5…swing…swing...4….3…..2….1..inhale up…now
interlock your fingers…place your hands at back of your neck…op
shoulders…exhale now slowly bend left…if you can look up…or look forward…inhale
center…exhale right…inhale center…exhale left…inhale center…exhale right…,
inhale center…exhale left…inhale center…exhale right…, inhale center…exhale
left…inhale center…exhale right…, inhale center…exhale left…inhale
center…exhale right…,one more… inhale center…exhale left…inhale center…exhale
right…last.. inhale center…exhale …open shoulders and bend left…if you can look
up…hold…6….5….breath be normal…4….3…..2….1…inhale center…exhale right…if you cannot
look forward….6…5…..4….3…2….1.. inhale center…in the same position exhale turn
left…and slowly bend left as much as you can…if you can try to touch your forehead
on the knee or shim bone…inhale up…exhale turn right…and bend right…touch your forehead
on the knee joint if you can…inhale up..…exhale left…inhale up…exhale right…,
inhale up..…exhale left…inhale up…exhale right…, inhale up..…exhale left…inhale
up…exhale right…one more inhale up..…exhale left…inhale up…exhale right…,
inhale up..…exhale left…inhale up…exhale right…come on last inhale
up…exhale…twist your spine…touch your forehead on the knee…or shim
bone…5……4…..3…..2…..1…inhale slowly up….exhale right…5…..4…..3……2….1….inhale
center…exhale slowly bring your arms down…feet shoulder level…inhale bring your
arms up from side…interlock your fingers….beginners can keep your hands
wide…now slowly bend your knees…hip down….exhale now slowly keep your knees
straight and bend forward…spine, neck…shoulders in a line…beginners look
down…if you can look forward….inhale up bend your knees chair pose….exhale
right angle…inhale chair…exhale right angle…, inhale ch
air…exhale right angle…,
inhale chair…exhale right angle…, inhale…exhale…in hale…exhale….only one
more…inhale…exhale…come on last…inhale…hip down…open shoulders…if you can look
up…if not look forward…keep patience 5….4….3….2….1….exhale…right angle
pose…beginners look down…multi.. open shoulders…look
forward…6….5….4…..3…..2….1…inhale up….exhale slowly bring your arms down…shake
your legs…relax your calf and thighs…now slowly go back…back portion of your mat…and
sit in diamond pose…open your heels…knees a bit closer…keep your hands on your knees…Lbows
straight…open shoulders…relax your spine…gently close your eyes…relax with the
normal breath…eyes remain closed…now focus your mind at the brow ceter…between
the eye brows…and imagine the full-moon light or it’s reflection on the
ocean…make your mind
calm…peaceful…and pleasant…while you are imagining the
full-moon light…
Now slowly open your
eyes…inhale ….exhale ..slowly stretch your arms forward….. child pose….drop
your forehead on floor…… inhale slowly push your hip forward…… cat pose…..
lower your spine open shoulders…… chin up….. exhale raise your body up…… place
your hands on your waist…… push your hip forward arch back….. camel pose…..
inhale slowly hip down… bring your arms forward on to knees diamond pose…exhale
child… inhale cat… exhale camel.. inhale diamond…. 5 rounds… exhale child….
Inhale cat…. Exhale camel…. Inhale diamond…. exhale child…. Inhale cat…. Exhale
camel…. Inhale diamond…. exhale child…. Inhale cat…. Exhale camel…. Inhale
diamond….two more… exhale child…. Inhale cat…. Exhale camel…. Inhale
diamond….one more… exhale child…. Inhale cat…. Exhale camel…. Inhale diamond….,
come on last… exhale child…
. Inhale cat…. Exhale camel…. Inhale diamond….exhalr
child…inhale cat…here keep your toes…exhale push your hip up…mountain..heels
down…head down…try as much as you can…5…hold….4…..3…..2….1…inhale now bring
your left foot between the hands…always left leg…drop your knees…hip
shoulders…look up…equestrian…and bring your arms up…join your hand half
moon…exhale drop the hands…bring your right foot forward…front bend…inhale arch
back…exhale Namaste…3 rounds moon salutations with left leg…inhale arch
back…exhale front bend…inhale left leg back…h
alf moon…exhale right leg
back…mountain…drop the knees…chest and chin on the floor…inhale upward…exhale
mountain…inhale left foot forward…half moon…exhale right foot forward…front
bend…inhale arch back…exhale namaste…inhale arch back…exhale front bend…inhale
left leg back…half moon…exhale right leg back…mountain…drop the knees chest and
chin on the floor…inhale upward…exhale mountain…inhale left foot forward…half
moon…exhale right foot forward…front bend…inhale arch back…exhale namaste…,
inhale arch back…exhale front bend…inhale left leg back…half
moon…exhale right
leg back…mountain…drop the knees chest and chin on the floor…inhale
upward…exhale mountain…inhale left foot forward…half moon…exhale right foot
forward…front bend…inhale arch back…exhale namaste…close your eys…relax with
the breath…slowly open your eyes…now 3 more rounds..a bit variation…inhale arch
back…exhale front bend…inhale left leg back…half moon…exhale right leg
back…mountain…drop the knees chest and chin on the floor…inhale
exhale child..hip back…inhale cat…exhale mountain…inhale left foot forward…half
moon…exhale right foot forward…front bend…inhale arch back….exhale Namaste…
Inhale arch
back…exhale front bend…inhale left leg back…half moon…exhale right leg
back…mountain…drop the knees chest and chin
on the floor…inhale upward… here
exhale child.…inhale cat…exhale mountain…inhale left foot forward…half
moon…exhale right foot forward…front bend…inhale arch back….exhale Namaste…one
more… inhale arch back…exhale front bend…inhale left leg back…half moon…exhale
right leg back…mountain…drop the knees chest and chin on the floor…inhale
upward…here exhale child..…inhale cat…exhale mountain…inhale left foot
forward…half moon…exhale right foot forward…front bend…inhale arch back….exhale
Namaste…Come on finish… inhale arch back…exhale front bend…inhale left leg
back…half moon…exhale right leg back…mountain…drop the knees chest and chin on
the floor…inhale exhale child.…inhale cat…again here…exhale
camel…inhale diamond….place your hands on your knees…spine and neck
relaxed..close your eyes,.. enjoy the rhythm of your breath…eyes remain closed again focus your mind between
the ye brows…and imagine the full moon light…or it’s reflection on the
ocean…let the mind be still..calm…and relaxed…slowly open your eyes…inhale…
Now the sequence…exhale…child…inhale
cat….lower your spine…open shoulders…chin up if you can…here exhale…keep your toes…push
your hip up…mountain…hold heels down…head down…try as much as you can…6…be
comfortable...5…..4….3….2…..1….inhale now bring your left foot between the
hands…drop your right knee…stretch your toes…hip down open shoulders…look
up…beginners can place your hands on your knee…multi try to touch your finger
tip on the ground…look up…beginners can look forward…6….5…..4…..3….2…..1… now
look forward in the same position if you can slowly fold your right knee… catch
your right ankle with your right hand…beginners keep your left hand on your left
knee for support…or elbow…. Multi raise your hand…still if you can…catch with
your elbow joint…catch your right toes with right elbow joint…open
shpulders…look up…5….4….3…..2…..1…..inhale drop the hands and foot…exhale now
slowly take your left leg back…mountain…6…5….4….3….2….1… bring your right
foot between the hands…drop your left knee…if you can stretch your left toes
out…hip down…open shoulders…beginners look forward…multi look up…try to touch
your finger tips on the ground…6….5….4….3…..2….1…now slowly look forward…here
now slowly fold your left knee…catch your left ankle with your left
hand…beginners slowly raise your hand..multi try to catch your elbow joint…open
shoulders…look up…dolphin pose…6…5…focus on your posture…..4….wherever you feel
stretch or pain….3….2…..keep smile…1…inhale …
slowly drop your hands and left
foot…exhale take your leg back mountain…heels down…head
down…6….5….4….3….2….1…here inhale drop your both knees slowly… cat…lower your spine…open
shoulders…chin up…exhale camel…place your hands on your waist..push your hip
forward…look up…inhale diamond…2nd round…exhale child…inhale
cat…look up…exhale mountain…heels down…head down…hold…6….5….4….3….2….1…inhale
now bring your left foot between the hands… drop your right knee…stretch your right
toes…place your both hands on your knee…push your shoulders back as much as you
can…open shoulders…if you can look up…exhale now slowly push your hip back…keep
your left knee straight…drop your hands…touch your forehead on the knee or shim
bone…5 times…inhale hip shoulders…push back…exhale hip back..knee
straight…head down…inhale push back…exhale hip back…inhale push back…exhale hip
back…come on last…inhale push back…if you cannot look forward…and still if you can
slowly bring your arms up…join your hands…half moon…focus your mind below the
navel…feel stretch in your abbs…5…4….3…..2….1…exhale drop your hands…hip
back…knee straight…head down.,,multi take your arms back…interlock your fingers…open
shoulders…beginners drop your hands and take support…if you can toes down….if
cannot …knee straight… toes
up…5…4….3….2….1…inhale drop the hands..knee bend…here beginners fold your knee…drop
your knee between the hands…and multi if you can stretch your legs forward…and
slowly go down…drop your forehead on the knee or shim bone…hold
..6…..5….4…..3…..2….1….inhale slide your hands back…raise your body up…exhale hip
up…leg back…mountain…6….5….4…..3….2….1…..inhale bring your right foot between
the hands…place your hands on your knee…push your shoulders back el
straight…head back…exhale push your hip back…slowly…knee straight…drop your hands…drop
your forehead on the knee or shim bone…inhale push back…exhale hip
back…focus…inhale push back…be comfortable…exhale hip back…inhale push
back…exhale hip back…one more….inhale push back…exhale hip back…come on
last…inhale… hip down…open shoulders…if you can slowly bring your arms up and
join your hands…half moon..beginners just look forward…be comfortable while
doing posture…do not force yourself too much…5…..focus your mind below the
navel…4…..3….2….1..exhale drop the hands…knee straight hip back…drop your for
head on the knee or shim bone…multi take your arm
s back…interlock your fingers…open
shoulders…if you can toes down…if cannot toes up…no problem…try to keep the
knee straight first…6…5…4…3…2..1…inhale slowly drop the hands…bend your knee…hip
down…here beginners fold your knee..drop the knee between the
hands…multi…stretch your leg forward…and slowly go down…stretch your arms
forward…drop your forehead on the knee or shim bone…6…5….4…..3….2….1…inhale
slide your hands back…raise your body…exhale hip up…leg back…mountain…heels
down…head down…6…5….4….3…2…1..inhale drop the knees cat pose…knees a bit
wide…lower spine…Lbows straight… open shoulders…thighs 90 degrees to the
floor…arms 90 degrees…exhale now slowly roll up your spine…compress your belly…close
the shoulders…suck your belly…touch your chin on the color bone…inhale
shoulders…exhale down…inhale up…exhale down…, inhale up…exhale down…, two more…
inhale…exhale… inhale..exhale…come on last…inhale up…open shoulders…look
up…5…it stretches and relaxes your spine….4…..3…keep the breath normal….2….1….
exhale…close your shoulders…roll up..such your belly in…try to touch your chin
on the color bone…5…4….3 ….2 ….1… inhale
center…here exhale now slowly stretch your left leg back…knee straight parallel
to the ground…keep your right toes…and keep your right hand in front of your right
knee….and slowly try to raise your left arm up…turn your whole body
left…beginners can drop your left foot down….take support…6……balance….try to
look up if you can…5…4…focus on your breathing…3….2…..1…now slowly drop the
hands and drop your knee…exhale now slowly stretch your right leg back…knee
straight…toes out…leg should be parallel to the ground…keep your left
toes…adjust your toes to balance…left hand in front of your left knee…inhale
slowly raise your right hand….beginners drop your right foot down…for support …6…..5…..4
….3….2 ….1….exhale drop the hands…drop your knee…look forward…here slowly raise
your body…stand on your knees….place your hands on your waist….push your hip
forward…arch back….look back…multi…if can drop your hands on your ankles…still
if you c
an catch your knees and drop your head on the ground…go down as much as
you can…6….5…..4…..3…feet a part….2…..1…inhale slowly hip down…diamond
pose…place your hands on your knee…Lbows straight…open shoulders…exhale
child…relax for 10 seconds...drop your elbows...lose your shoulders..breath be
Here inhale slowly
slide your hands back and raise your body come to diamond pose...exhale stretch
your legs forward...release your legs...shake your legs well...sit in easy
posture...clasp your hands...sit relaxed and comfortable slowly close your eyes...and
become aware of the breath...normal and natural breath...our breath is the key
to relax our body and, be with your breath...
Slowly open your eyes...release
the mudra...and release your legs...stretch your legs forward...shake your legs...feet slowly fold your left knee up...bring your arms forward
interlock your fingers...catch your left foot...and slowly inhale raise your leg
up as much as you can...try as much as you can...exhale slowly down...inhale
up..exhale down...keep smile...inhale up...exhale
down...inhale...exhale...inhale...exhale...come on last inhale...up..spine shoulders...if you can slowly exhale and pull your leg towards
your chest as m
uch as you can...multi..catch your left foot with your right
hand..and take your left hand out form the front side of your left
stretch your leg as much as you can..hold 6....5....4....3....2....1.....exhale...fold
your knee...stretch your leg forward..shake your legs...same with your opposit
leg...slowly fold your right knee up...bring your arms forward...interlock your
fingers...catch your right foot...inhale slowly leg up...knee
inhale up...exhale if you can pull your leg towards your chest...and multi
level catch your right foot with your left hand..and take your right hand out
from the front side of your shoulders...stretch your leg...try as
much as you can...6....5.....4......3....2.....1....slowly fold your knee...drop
your leg...stretch your leg forward...shake your legs...feet
fold your left knee out and keep your left foot against to right
your right leg a bit out around 45 degrees...if you can more...beginners just
45 degrees...inhale bring your arms up
from side...exhale now slowly bend right...catch your toe...ankle or
heel...wherever you can...inhale slowly up ...rhythmic breathing
inhale...exhale...catch your toes...or heel or ankle...wherever you can...
touch your forehead on the knee or shim bone or on the ground...suck your belly...5....4....3...try
as long as you can....2....1....inhale now slowly bring your arms slowly raise your left knee up...slide your left foot a bit your right elbow out side of drop your right
hand back...twist your spine...align your shoulder look back...multi if you can
catch your ankle or foot...still if you can insert your hand...underneeth the
knee joint and take your hand back...try...twist your spine...6.....5.....4.....3......2.....1....inhale
cneter...exhale stretch your left leg forward...shake your left fold
your right knee...keep your right foot against to left thigh...left leg out as
much as you can...beginners just a little...multi out...inhale bring your arms
up...exhale turn left and bend left...catch your toe or ankle...touch your forehead
on the knee or shim bone...inhale slowly up..exhale down...inhale...exhale,...
inhale...exhale,....inhale...exhale.., more...inhale...exhale..come on
last...inhale...exhale catch your heel...toes or ankle...wherever you can....try
to go down in every exhale....6....5......4.....3.....2.....1....inhale
up...exhale slowly bring your arms slide your right foot a bit forward...and
raise your your left elbow outside of your right knee and drop
your hand on the shoulder...drop
your right hand back...exhale twist your spine...align
your shoulder look back...multi catch your ankle or foot...if you can insert
your hand...underneeth the knee and take your right hand back...try to hook
your fingers...6...spinal twist....5.....4....3.....2....1...inhale
center...exhale bring your arms down...stretch your legs forward...both
legs...shake your slowly fold your knees...both knees up...pull your
heels closer to the buttocks...feet not together...not too your hands
beside your slowly push your whole body forward...base your buttocks
on your heel...balance on your toes...try to raise your knees up as much as you
can...beginners keep support...and look forward...and if you can slowly raise
your arms shoulder level...if you cannot take support problem....knees
up...stretch your ankles...6....5.....4.....3.....2.....1...exhale hug your knees...roll
your your hands under your neck...fold your knees close to the slowly stretch your left leg up 60 degrees...knees straight toes
out...abdominal exercise...5...4....3.....2.....1....start cycling...1...2....3....4.....5....6....7....8...9...10...
now stretch your right leg forward...left knee closer to the chest...knee
straight toes out...hold reverse
cycling...10.....9....8......7.....6...stretch your
slowly stretch your both legs up...knee straight...toes out...60
degrees...hold...tighten your abdominal muscles...6...5
straight....4....3.....2...1...exhale drop your legs,..drop your feet....inhale
stretch your arms back...feet together...exhale hug ue left knee..touch your forehead
on the knee....try as much as you can...inhale stretch...exhale hug your right
knee...touch your forehead on the knee....inhale stretch...exhale left...inhale
stretch... exhale right....inhale stretch...exhale
left...hold...5.....4.....3.....2.....1.....inhale stretch...exhale hug your right...5.....4....3.....2.....1....inhale
stretch......exhale hug your both knees...catch your opposit elbows if you can...touch
your forehead on the knee....5....4.....3.....2....1....inhale drop your head....knees
in the same position...release your hands and stretch your arms shoulder
level...exhale slowly drop
your knees left...turn your face left...close your eyes...relax
your spine...hold ....5.....4......3.....2.....1....inhale center...exhale drop
your knees right...turn your face left...beginners press your knees down with
the support of your hand....5...4......3....2.....1....inhale
center...exhale...stretch your legs forward...feet a part...bring your arms a
bit down...palms facing up...relax...feet wide...close your eyes...for 3 not open your not move your body....relax...corpse
pose....dead pose...drop your body and mind....relax...............
Slowly move your fingers
and not open your eyes...move your fingers...move your toes...and
slowly bring your arms up...interlock your fingers...keep your feet
together...take a deep inhale...stretch your whole body from fingers to
toes....exhale slowly fold your knees your hands under your neck...slowly
turn your whole body left...and now slowly come to sitting p
remain closed...take chinmudra or dhyan mudra...spine and neck again 3 times...deep...long and slow breathings...ready...inhale
deep....exhale slowly...again inhale deep...exhale slow....once again...inhale
deep....exhale slow...let the breath be normal...and focus your mind at the
brow center...for few rub your palms until they get warm....rub
fast...rub more....cover the your palms on your eyes...relax your eyes...slowly
open your eyes...infront of your palms...look into your palms...namaste...thank
you so much for join my class...have a nice day...enjoy your day...drink more more fruits and daily meditation at home...thank
you...thank you...thank you...